
Miss Crystal





Salone 2005

Blokes macedonia Tetris

Sony Style I

Sony Style II

Sony Style III

Tavolo Draakje

Tavolo Timo

Bel Tran Tran



Domus Academy

Agorà Scenografie

Miguel Berrocal


Glitter Comunicazione

JKR Productions

Progettazione Loghi I

Progettazione Loghi II

Diesel Party CD

MINI Collection

BMW lifestyle

Borgo di colle Landone

David Colaiacomo

Agmin Group - Agmin Italy

AWB Travel

Versi Gufi

Video Moscardino


Many Components


Modellazione 3D

Video Agmin


Strategy and Research


FIAT One Step Ahead

Microsoft MSN E-Ambassador



Perugia, in the first half of the16th century, the Pope Paolo III Farnese decided to impose his presence in this rebellious city. The central neighbourhood of the Colle Landone is partially destroyed to build the biggest stronghold of the times, the Paolina Rock. The houses were used as the foundations, the reason why the roads and palaces of the 1500 are still visible today walking in the underground of the rock town.
In the second half of the 19th century was destroyed by the anger of its citizens, finally free from the powers of the Pontiff State.


“The discovered city” is a reconstruction in spatial 3D of the Borgo di Colle Landone in its three historical periods. The product is a demonstrative version of a cd-rom presented at Umbria Books in 2002, but the research was used in numerous other ways both on-line and off-line. The cd-rom allows one to “take a walk” within time and space, thereby looking at the processes of overlapping and architectonic transformation. Obviously the three time maps are rich with architectonic, historical and cultural details that tell the story of the stronghold and the era, producing thereby a product that is useful both for conservation documentation and for cultural use. The reconstruction is seen also as a departure point for the cultural and tourist promotion of the existing area.

DEMO version for Assessorato al Turismo e Cultura Città di Perugia
autumn 2003